Saturday, January 3, 2015

Inspiration Station

What kinds of things inspire you?

I want to try something new on this blog. I usually use it as a simple record to remind myself what I cook and bake on a regular basis. But the more I post, the more I notice people actually view what I post!

This blog is one of the things that really sparks my creativity and pushes me to try new things. So I want to know...if you read or have ever read this blog, even once...what inspires you?

The beginning of a new year is the perfect time for me to hear from others, to try new things, and to reflect on how these new findings inspire me further!

What sparks creativity in you? Excitement in your soul? Challenge in your mind? Growth? Encouragement? Laughter? Beauty?

I'd love for you to comment, using just two words: the object of inspiration, then what it inspires (i.e. tea, friendship -- fresh air, healthiness -- libraries, curiosity)

Here are mine. :)

1. Light, Seasons.

White Christmas lights inspire me to decorate warmly throughout all seasons.

2. Tea, Health.

My current favs (Harney & Sons Peppermint Herbal and Republic of Tea's Downton Abbey Mrs. Patmore's Pudding) inspire the renewal of my health goals -- more yoga, less sugar!

3. Store-made, Homemade.

Toys that sit for weeks without being played with inspire creativity to make a new toy or game with my daughter.

4. Aromatherapy, Cleaning.

zum mist® aromatherapy room and body spray inspires me to clean! (got this from a dear friend for Christmas, love it!!)

5. Planner, Newness.

Blank pages in my new planner inspire me to fill them up with friendships, my family, and new adventures!

Your turn! What sparks happy, brio-filled things to your day? <3