Thursday, August 4, 2011

Fresh Pea and Basil Hummus

Okay, I admit...I am not the healthiest of eaters! My husband and I went on vacation this weekend, and with the travelling came the eating out and lack of fresh produce on the road! Since we've returned I've been seriously craving something fresh and healthy. This Fresh Pea and Basil Hummus is adapted from a recipe I found in a Whole Living magazine. Serve it as an appetizer or pack it for an on-the-go energy boost. It's the perfect blend of fresh ingredients, and won't leave you or your guests hungry.   :)


1 can sweet peas
3 Tbsp. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1/8 cup fresh basil leaves
1 clove garlic, pressed
1 1/2 Tbsp. lemon juice
1/2 tsp. garlic salt

Place all ingredients in a food processor or blender with a salsa setting. Pulse or blend for about 32 seconds, or until ingredients resemble a slightly chunky paste. Remove from blender or food processor and serve with tortilla chips, crostini, baguette, pita chips, or anything else you like! 

Be sure to refrigerate this dish after serving. It should keep for several days...unless of course you devour it before then!  :)


  1. "about 32 seconds"? Haha! This looks delicious!

  2. Yes, 32 exactly!! No more, no less! Haha...this is such an old post. I probably thought our cheap blender needed exact time increments!
