Monday, June 8, 2015

Just a little gardening . . .

So, as promised, here's what my garden looks like so far this summer! I can hardly believe our spinach and potatoes are finished . . . it feels like it went so fast! I guess that's what happens when spring ends and summer begins -- onto the later harvests!

Like cherry tomatoes!! Yikes! This thing is overtaking my yard! The kids can't even store their bikes back here anymore due to the huge limbs hanging off this tomato plant!

Carrots are looking mighty fine too. I pulled one the other day just because I was curious. It was still a little small, but tasted exactly like a homegrown carrot should: like sweet summer.

Potato perfection. We've never grown potatoes before, but they were nearly effortless! We'll do it all over again next year! (Anyone need some potatoes?)

The squash already looks like squash! This is one of my favorites to grill, so I'm eager to see if any of the zucchini blossoms turn up too!

Last, but not least, are our climbing beans. They're just starting to flower. :) 

I've already posted about the roses, daisies, spirea and crane's bill dotting my yard with beauty, but I already have volunteer marigolds and last year's dark red mums popping up! This week with the day care kiddos, we'll be planting zinnia. Can't wait!


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